Honoring Pachamama and Celebrating Earthly & Spiritual Mamas! 4/22/13
“Once there was a tree, and she loved a little boy.”
— Shel Silverstein (The Giving Tree)
With Earth Day just passing on April 22nd and Mother’s Day coming up on May 9th we have a chance to reflect and pay homage to the gifts of Mother Earth, our human mothers and The Universal Divine Mother.
Often, I feel that life coaching in its most developed form has more in common with midwifery than it does with traditional life coaching. Like so much on our planet, a great deal of coaching is more masculine, yang or focused on doing. Life coaching and even hypnosis that embraces the Feminine Divine tends to be more yin, gentle and mindful. With an embrace of this kind of practice, the life coach helps the client to give birth to the truth of who they are; which ultimately is expressed as a marriage of masculine and feminine aspects.
If we intend to birth the Earth Mother within, we will want to be more deliberate about our choices in healing Pachamama or Gaia, our living Mother Earth. We will notice that any changes that we make will propel us forward to make the next choice in alignment with our vision of healing the planet. Like any kind of effort motivated by compassion and love, we often find outcomes to be exponential. For example, if we commit to not using plastic grocery bags, we may be inspired to plant a tree and then a garden. Later, we may take great strides towards sustainable living and eating very close to the earth. (I’ve recently rediscovered consignment shopping. Funnily enough, when declining a plastic bag at the consignment shop for ecological reasons, the shop owner was so impressed she gave me 15% off my entire purchase!).
When we celebrate The Divine Mother we may choose spiritual deities or human foremothers. We may choose Our Lady of Guadalupe, Quan Yin, Ma Durga, or Mother Mary to help birth our Divine Mother. Of course, there have so many human mothers who have blazed a trail of awakening and higher consciousness such as Maya Angleou, Kiesha Crowther (Little Grandmother Wisdom Keeper), Susan B. Anthony and Harriet Tubman.
Alicia Bay Laurel is one of those incredible awakened foremothers. Alicia is a woman who helped pave the way for conscious planet living, which of course there is a louder call than ever for. Many of you will be familiar with Alicia’s many works. Her classic work “Living on the Earth” written in 1971, is more relevant and inspiring today than ever. I love the communal aspects of her book. In fact, I have now taken to calling up my best girlfriend at least once a week to ask rhetorically “Remind me why we are not living in an intentional community and are trying to sustain our families alone?” I aspire to put into practice as many of her ideas as I can. I love the “getting to back to Mother Earth” philosophy as opposed to the “human conquering earth” attitude which has led us to make many assumptions about consumerism which have cost us all dearly.
As we enter into the second decade of the new millennium, it has become increasing clear that we have tapped Mother Earth’s resources, much like in Shel Silverstein’s “The Giving Tree”. We are all being forced now to change our minds and hearts because of the changes in our environmental, financial, emotional and spiritual landscapes.
Many profess this to be a time where a real sweet spot exists, an evolutionary juncture during which we make changes in our hearts and minds, embrace the Divine Feminine and subsequently heal the planet as we begin to appreciate Mother Earth.
© Jeanine Austin, PhD, CHt
Life Coaching and Hypnosis
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